(Chambre Belge des Traducteurs et Interprètes / Belgische Kamer van Vertalers en Tolken)
European Association for Terminology
European Language Industry Association
European Union of Associations of Translation Companies
Multilingual Computing
Globalization and Localization Association
Information about the Belgian language industry – only in Dutch
eBook on Quality in Translation
The online version of the ‘Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union’, dedicated to European public procurement. TED provides free access to business opportunities. It is updated five times a week with approximately 1500 public procurement notices from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond.
Authorative directory of commercial machine translation systems and computer-aided translation support tools compiled by John Hutchins, published by European Association of Machine Translation (v. 2009)
Published by the Directorate General Translation of the European Commission. In recent years, DG Translation has commissioned several studies dealing with a wide variety of aspects of the language industry, from size and reputation to quantifying quality costs in tarnslation and multilingual aspects of lawmaking. All studies can be downloaded from this site.